Meditation for Beginners

Learn easeful and evidence based techniques of meditation to source an ocean of light and healing within you. 4 classes with Karen Sprute-Francovich A 4-class series - via Zoom - Friday mornings - 7:45 - 8:45 am - February 11, 18, 25 and March 4. Class recordings included. Tuition - $90.. Tuition $144. if you enroll in BOTH Meditation for Beginners AND Pranayama for Beginners Each class will include encouragement, information, and inspiration to help you begin and sus...
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8 Week Foot Workshop

with Jenifer Harbour online via Zoom 8 Thursdays Beginning January 14. 5:45 - 7:15 $153. Pre-pay to save your spot This workshop is for walkers, runners, basically anyone who wants to develop a strong and healthy foot foundation to support the rest of their body.  Our feet are the doorway to pelvis and low back. This workshop will help you remember to pay attention to the strength and mobility of your foot and ankle joints, while addressing blind spots that once awakened can...
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Advanced Teacher Training

Garden Street’s Advanced Professional Teacher Training is the next step after the 200-hour teacher training.  We think you will fid our in-depth curriculum to be both rigorous AND open-heartedly joyous. And we know that it can truly expand and refine your Yoga and teaching as you also deepen in your own practice. Beginning September 2021 - Typical Weekend schedule is as follows: Friday evenings 6 - 7:30 – by Zoom; Saturdays 10:30 am - 4:30 pm - in person at Garden Street; Sunday 10...
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5 for $25 Holiday Gift Special

Give a Gift of Light Garden Street’s Annual Holiday Gift Certificate Special Offer Available for Purchase through January 5 Redeemable by students who are new to Garden Street - Redeemable on regular weekly classes Expiration Date April 1, 2020 Online purchase available here Or Pay in Person at Garden Street
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The Practice

A 3 Hour Advanced Practice led by Jen Harbour. Friday April 29 - 6 - 9 pm “The Practice” is a guided 3-hour intermediate to advanced yoga practice that is playful, up-tempo, and will inspire you to take your yoga practice to the next level. It includes a full spectrum of asanas to strengthen your body, open your heart and expand your mind. It requires strength, stamina and knowledge of the Anusara Principals of Alignment and is designed for those who like being guided progressively to a deeper...
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Poetry and Inspiration

garden street yoga shri
You are a bird of fine wings And so well seated on the earth Fill the space with your light And fill the sky with your glow. Flood the quarters with your sheen. Yajurveda, book XVI Inside This Clay Jug Inside this clay jug there are canyons and pine mountains, and the maker of canyons and pine mountains! All seven oceans are inside, and hundreds of millions of stars. The acid that tests gold is here, and the one who judges jewels. And the music that comes from the strings that no one touche...
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garden street yoga students
Sutra Sadhana a 7-month Immersion with Karen Sprute-Francovich There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change.…… While you hold it you can’t get lost ……... ~~ William Stafford Sutra - a Sanskrit word for thread; a strand of wisdom teachings strung together, like a string of pearls, to make up a wisdom text. We will follow  the pearls of sutras in the Pratyabijna Hrydaya - The Heart of Recognition. According to the Yoga tradition, one cannot unlock the mag...
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