The Practice

A 3 Hour Advanced Practice led by Jen Harbour.

Friday April 29 – 6 – 9 pm

“The Practice” is a guided 3-hour intermediate to advanced yoga practice that is playful, up-tempo, and will inspire you to take your yoga practice to the next level. It includes a full spectrum of asanas to strengthen your body, open your heart and expand your mind. It requires strength, stamina and knowledge of the Anusara Principals of Alignment and is designed for those who like being guided progressively to a deeper physical practice.

Jen will practice with the group and give direction and guidance.


  • “The Practice” is geared toward intermediate and advanced practitioners who can kick to handstand at the wall without assistance and can perform Urdhva Dhanurasana (full wheel) with straight arms.
  • This practice is not open to beginners new to yoga or to those who have significant physical limitations or injuries.

Price $36.00